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Treatments and Techniques

Reproductive Medicine offers different Assisted Reproduction treatment solutions to help the LGTBI+ community have children

Choosing the most appropriate one depends, among other things, on the situation of each patient: what gametes they have (eggs or sperm), their fertility and whether they have a partner with whom they share their family project.

Assisted Reproduction Treatments

Other Treatments

Artificial Insemination with Donor Sperm

Embryo Adoption

Sperm and Egg Freezing

Add-on Techniques

Increase your pregnancy chances even more with the most appropriate add-on techniques for your treatment. Your doctor will advise you which ones are best for you, depending on your diagnosis.

Embryo Fragment Removal




Preimplantation Genetic Test (PGT)

PGT Express 48 h

Blastocyst Culture



Genetic Compatibility Test


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